Thanks for loving my blog name Ryan and Dave

Thanks, Ryan. It really IS a fantastic blog name. I also don’t hate Dave’s applause at the end. These guys just get it.

The origin of my blog name is fully explained here but Ryan Reynolds and David Letterman capture part of why this title is so damn special. What ability makes you worthy of the ‘extraordinary alien’ title?

The key to pay attention to here is the word ‘ability’ in the title. Funny enough, our greatest ability is often the one we hide. The one we don’t value. The one we don’t want others to see or know. It’s too unique, or not special enough or too different or too weird and couldn’t possibly be understood – let alone appreciated. So we often hide it in the name of belonging. To our own detriment (and ultimately to the detriment of the world). Let Ryan be just one great example of the magic that comes from working hard and learning how to harness your own innate, extraordinary ability.

*video taken with my shaky iPhone. Apologies for the wonky-ness. I am no videographer. Clearly.
**also I see on video caption I accidentally added a rogue apostrophe after Reynolds. I can’t go back into edit the video. So we’ll all just have to deal with it.

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