Do not disconnect

Have you ever had a dream you put your entire heart and soul into?

A dream you worked so hard for, believed in, and had absolute, unwavering faith would happen… a dream like…

Building a vital business? Wanting a healthy, happy child? Having a fairy tale ending to that romance? Succeeding in school? Creating something beautiful?

And how did you feel when that dream failed?

Crashed. Burned. All before your very eyes.

In the words of Langston Hughes:

“Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.”

When we have a dream, there is a purpose in every step. In every moment.

Inch by inch we are connected. Invested. Alive to possibility.

And when that dream dies. We risk dying a little, too.

Which is why we must untie ourselves from the expectation of how a dream will manifest. Grieve the loss of the picture we painted for ourselves.

But do not disconnect from the dream itself.

Do not disconnect.

By remaining connected to the dream, whatever that dream is (finding love, building a family, using gifts in service) but not tying it to any one particular actor (only that man or only that woman) or a specific event (only that job or only that school), we remain in flight. We remain connected to our inner sense of courage and light.

Meet Donald Miller. Writer. Plain cool dude.

He wrote a little book some of you may have read called Blue Like Jazz.

For anyone who has set out on a personal spiritual journey, the story may resonate. The book was an unexpected bestseller.

Don’s dream was to turn the book into a screenplay. Over time, and with much love, Don and a few close friends wrote it. They secured the lead character. Their dream was about to come true.

And then funding fell through. The official announcement was made. The dream of making Blue Like Jazz, the movie, was over.

Fans Zach Prichard and Jonathan Frazier (I love these guys, truly) had an idea. They introduced another way to manifest Don’s dream that no one considered (or dared to believe possible).

Instead of waiting on studio money (which wasn’t gonna happen), these two guys went on Kickstarter (a website dedicated to raising funds for artistic ventures) and asked anyone who loved Don… anyone who loved his book(s)… anyone who loved movies… anyone who had a pulse, quite frankly… to donate funds to help make the movie.

Production is set to begin October 25, 2010. People from all around the world have responded.

Four days remain to make a dream happen. To make history.

And you can be a part of it.

To learn more or to donate, check out: Save Blue Like Jazz.

In donating, I think it reveals something unbelievably beautiful.

What is possible for one is possible for all.

So dream on.

And above all…

With much love and faith,


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