Here are five things that entertained, eased or opened my mind recently… 01. When the mind can’t stop / won’t stop thinking… For anyone who has been accused of ‘thinking…
Here are five things that entertained, eased or opened my mind recently… 01. When the mind can’t stop / won’t stop thinking… For anyone who has been accused of ‘thinking…
I believe in the power of home spaces to sustain and heal us. Here are a few extraordinary design moments to nourish you… 01. Jeremiah Brent is my fave (of…
Here are five things that touched my soul in extraordinary ways this week… 01. Tea time (Buddhist style) I don’t drink tea but the line “according to our practice, time…
Here are five things that made my heart feel extraordinary this week… 01. Will Forte and Seth Meyers go day drinking A friend of mine mentioned seeing Seth live on…