Huge swaths of people spend their entire working lives performing tasks they secretly believe do not really need to be performed. The moral and spiritual damage that comes from this …
I have watched this video more than once. The way this little boy sings the ‘three little birds’ lyric from Marley’s infamous song makes my heart swell every time. SWELL. …
Thanks, Ryan. It really IS a fantastic blog name. I also don’t hate Dave’s applause at the end. These guys just get it. The origin of my blog name is …
Here are some images of Manhattan signage from basic to epic. I swear the baristas and bartenders writing this stuff should be in advertising and branding. The last sign? Cmon.
You know those stories you hear that never quite leave you? The ones that unexpectedly shape your life forever without your ever fully realizing why at the time? This is …
Pay attention to the whispers. In this song and within yourself. Who do you ask? Who do you believe? The answers define your life. May it be you that you …