Watch this gem of a Canadian geography lesson eh. Should our new rallying cry be good old Bob and Doug’s ‘koolookookookookoo, koolookookookookookookoo’?!! Seems appropriate for the times.
What struck me most watching last Friday’s White House meeting between President Trump and President Zelensky was not when someone asked President Zelensky if he owned a suit – his …
The Bridesmaid’s Speech I have known her all her life. And by that I mean I’ve seen her in the impossible light of girlhood. The spaces in between – the …
Here are five things that entertained, eased or opened my mind recently… 01. When the mind can’t stop / won’t stop thinking… For anyone who has been accused of ‘thinking …
Do the work. The process is everything. If you cheat it, you compromise your transformation and come out unchanged – still an asshole. And if you don’t like doing the …
To me, Elizabeth Street Garden is a secret Narnia: ‘an imaginary and very real land of magic and people and animals’. Imaginary in that even when you’re there – it …