My “little” cousin Brier got married (Calgary-style)…


I love this picture because this is what their entire wedding and reception was like.

Pure love. Swoony love. Glowing love.

And all of us who were lucky enough to celebrate with them swooned a little bit, too.

How gorgeous are these two as they make it “official”?!




And this dress…it was pure beaded, ethereal, silver screen-esque beauty.



Brier grew up far away from us so we only got to see each other occasionally at Christmases and other family gatherings. So it wasn’t until we grew up that I really got to know her. And quite frankly, I adore her. Brier combines the qualities of her parents in a way that is entirely uniquely her: part confident intelligence, part grace and warmth. She is the kind of woman I would trust to handle pretty much anything.


But a few years ago when her mother, Marg, passed away suddenly (too suddenly for anyone to even process) I can only imagine the grief she endured. And oh how everyone wished that Marg could have been there.


With her long, straight hair and big round eyes, I imagine she would wear blue (it’s what I always remember Auntie Marg wearing). I think she would hug Jeremy and tell him how lucky he was. She would ask him to love Brier well. It’s what all her family asks of you, Jeremy.

May you both love each other the best way you can. Imperfectly. But with as much honesty and integrity as you can muster.

While last weekend was the first time I met Jeremy, there is a strength in him that I trust. And the words of his best man, whom he has known since early childhood, are a beautiful testament to his character:

“If there is a better man walking the earth, I have yet to meet him.”


This is the highest compliment I have ever heard one man pay another.

The overriding sense I had from this entire day is one of family. Intertwined between and beneath this marriage is the great love and painful losses, the beauty and richness of the families that helped create these people and therefore this union.






From this foundation, I sense they are setting out with strong conviction to create a new family bond between them.


So Jeremy and Brier, as you head out on the journey ahead, may you remember that love is a choice. And may you choose it in every moment. Always.


Congratulations and much love to both of you,


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