Extraordinary Five: Spirit

Here are five things that touched my soul in extraordinary ways this week…

Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh official

01. Tea time (Buddhist style)

I don’t drink tea but the line “according to our practice, time is not money. Time is life” was the wee Buddhist gut punch I needed to slow down and savour each moment. Thanks for sharing this video teaching KAM.

Photo: Karen Hardwick / Austin Pets Alive!

02. Senior dog with special needs adopted after two years in shelter by senior citizen soulmate (my headline, not theirs)

That face got me. The bandana also did not hurt. This article explains how Velcro is now leaping around his new backyard with his soulmate. Healing in ways the shelter never dreamed possible. Oh, what true love can do.


03. One of my favourite things

I fell hard for this hand carved wooden anniversary ring. It helps mark the passing of important moments: birthdays, anniversaries (growth of any kind, really). We all need to celebrate more. And I’m not lying when I say my soul shines a little brighter every time I get to light one of these little candles. I got it from Aprikose, a gem of a store in Perth, ON.

Sony Pictures

04. This movie reminded me why I love the cinema

There is one scene in Living (won’t spoil it for you) about Spirit that utterly changed the way I think about living earthside. This movie is astounding. Particularly relevant if you have dedicated your life to working inside a 9-5 bureaucracy of any kind that has left you wondering what, if any, lasting impact your hard work has had.

Spencer Krug official

05. A beautiful turn of phrase

I awoke before dawn the other morning and stumbled into the kitchen. I turned on CBC Radio 2 and this song was playing. It may have been the hour. Or my exhaustion and thus my openness to being fully susceptible to the lyrics. However it happened, Spencer Krug’s song How We Have to Live got in. I love the way music can reach parts unknown.

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