Here are five things that made my heart feel extraordinary this week…
01. Will Forte and Seth Meyers go day drinking
A friend of mine mentioned seeing Seth live on stage this week and all I could think to do was rewatch this old Day Drinking episode. All my favourite comedians rave about Forte. It wasn’t until this segment I understood why.

02. Hunter Harris writing anything
I don’t want to remember a time before I had Hunter Harris’ writing in my life. The joy this woman’s words bring me is unparalleled. Exhibit A: “Anne Hathaway stars in a movie based on Harry Styles fan fic? No beloved I think you mean Anne Hathaway stars as Olivia Wilde in the Olivia Wilde biopic.” Check out her Substack. Love a woman who bets on herself. She left New York Magazine to forge her own path. I will follow her wherever she goes.

03. This pair of Warren Steven Scott earrings
I love these earrings so much. I literally stalked them. I first saw these stunners on Riley, one of my fave guest hosts on The Social, and I HUNTED them down until I finally found the incredible jewelry of Warren Scott Stevens online (the website‘s tagline reads: “May the day bring beauty and tenderness to you”). Pure. Magic.

04. Einaudi’s Wind Song
I have a tradition I cherish. Every single time I water my (many!) houseplants I blast Einaudi’s music. As much for the plants as for me. I’m CERTAIN his piano changes the very molecular structure of the water. It’s that good. Wind Song is my current fave. But any of his songs will transport you to wherever you need to go. Trust me.

05. This. This. This.
This is all my heart wants. Dancing. Love. Freedom. Movement. Life. Joy. All while barefoot. Thank you to the incredible photographer Malick Sidibé (born in Mali in 1936) for this image (Nuit de Noël). Thank God for artists. They save us.