What would your t-shirt say?

We all have one phrase. At least one. A line we know deserves to be on a t-shirt.

For people to walk about town in. People passing by in the streets would nod knowingly at the t-shirt. Acknowledging, yes – “I think that way, too”.

Ok, maybe I’m the only one who thinks this way.

Regardless, if I could make a t-shirt. Mine would say this:

Use it.Or it will use you.

What are you most? Athletic? Spiritual? Creative? Organized? Nurturing?

Whatever you are most is often precisely what you deny. You try to be the other thing.

The thing you’re not.

Because often, to be who you truly are isn’t always celebrated. So you adjust course.

The thing most people don’t realize? You can only do it for so long before your innate essence starts to fester.

When the best things about you go unused for too long, they start to turn against you. Becoming toxic and risk destroying from within.

So what are you most? Powerfully? Honestly?

Use it.

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