U.S. Open, baby!

Thursday started with a call from my friend (angel) Valerie. Next thing I knew, I had two free tickets to that evening’s U.S. Open!! Such a blessing…

We arrived at Arthur Ashe Stadium and it was pure bliss. From start to finish.

And I got to take my mother with me in spirit. She is a HUGE tennis fan and I called her to tell her I was going. My mom watched from home in Ottawa in the hopes of seeing me on her television screen. But we were sitting waaaaayyyyyyy up top in row V (see the very top of the stadium in the picture below? well we were a few rows down from there) so the cameras had little reason to pan up that high. Except for the fistfight that broke out right near us.

So while my mother didn’t get to see me on tv, she did know I was there and for a few hours we shared a little tennis love and got to feel close, albeit from a great distance (can you tell I miss my mom?!).

Sharipova won as did Djokovic.

NYPD kept the venue secure on their “Mall Cop” vehicles…made me laugh out loud. Which I don’t think was the intention. These men are serious police officers. Serious. And they are mobile. Serious mobile police officers.

The evening was a gorgeous summer-y evening with pink skies and soft breezes.

All in all a memory from New York I will remember always.

Much love (tennis style) from the U.S. Open,


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