You don’t know Jacques…


But you’d be lucky if you did. Trust me on this.

You see, Jacques is someone that has taught me what it means to stretch and let yourself grow into what you believe is possible for yourself.

I don’t know that he even knows I feel this way about him – that’s one perk of having a blog – it gives your “inside voice” a chance to speak!

You see, Jacques once shared a story with me that I will always remember.

He told me of a time not too long ago when doctors, following an accident, advised him that in order to eat he would always require the assistance of a feeding tube.

So Jacques promptly removed the tube.

He did this because he believed his muscles could respond if given the opportunity – and he knew for certain his muscles would atrophy if he did nothing.

He took the chance.

His muscles responded.

All of this with his angel (and now fiancee), Anna, by his side.

Oh, how I admire these two people.


What Jacques taught me through this story (and the way he lives his life, period) is that in every single moment we have the choice to push beyond what people say is possible for us and create an opening where we can define it for ourselves.

Thank you for your brave spirit, my friend.

All of our worlds are better for it.

Which is why this week-end, Jacques’ New York family celebrated his birthday in Anna’s swank new digs in the Financial District of Manhattan.


The evening consisted of a little of this…


Ok, maybe more than a little… (’twas Christmas in July!!)


And a whole lot of this…(we like us some good hugs & kisses!!)






We got silly and laughed. A lot.





Jacques and Anna’s friends are an amazing, genuine, loving bunch. And if it’s true your friends are a reflection of you, then rest assured you two are bright, spirited, and FUN (not to mention fantastic looking)…





Happiest of happy birthdays Jacques!


Keep pushing and stretching towards what is next my friend.

And whenever you have a moment of uncertainty as you find your way in Vancouver, just take a look at these photos and remember your extended New York family is loving and supporting you from afar.



Caveat: It’s important to note that all the photos above were taken using my camera (Baby Henry). However, much like any beautiful newborn, he was passed around to folks at the party so some of the shots were taken by others (clearly, as I am in some of ’em!). All credit for the great profile shots of the partygoers must go to photographer extraordinaire, Lory! Thanks sweetie!!

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