What will people say…

What will people say…

If you leave the one you’re with for the one you truly love?

So you don’t.

What will people say…

If you give up your medical practice to become a professional marble player?

So you don’t.

What will people say…

If you leave the perfect home everyone else sees in order to stop being beaten?

So you don’t.

What will people say…

If you follow your dream and join a circus freak show?

So you don’t.

What will people say…

If you admit you need help because you abuse alcohol. Drugs. Food. Yourself.

So you don’t.

What will people say…

If you dress like a tomboy when all the other girls wear dresses?

So you don’t.

What will people say…

If you sell your fancy house and all your belongings to travel around the world?

So you don’t.

What will people say…

If you reach the end of your life never once having been honest before you died.

So choose.

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